Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Electorate Poised to Punt Democrats

Why Electorate Poised to Punt Democrats Into Gutter of Forgotten Nightmares...

ONE reason why: An 'unstimulated' economy. The Humongous Gigantic Mother of All Stimulus packages, $787 billion dollars, quickly mushroomed into an taxpayer-bludgeoning $865 billion PORKULUS for Friends of Democrats Package . Nevertheless,however huge, it wasn't enough," and they've kept coming back for more and more, like junkies to a crack house. Nothing has been stimulated except the Democrat Party and Unions and other friends.The 647-page, $825 billion House bill was sold as an economic "stimulus," but Democrats eventially released the details so that we understand Rahm's point about not wasting a “crisis”so much better. The stimulus is a political wishlist that manages to spend money on nearly every pent-up Democratic proposal of the last 40 years. [1]

"The health care bill. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a federal law that was passed on a Sunday night Dec. 24,2009 then signed into law in the U.S. by Barack Hussein Obama on March 23, 2010. It produced a “double whammy” effect when combined with the Health Care and Reconcilliation Act which was signed into law on March 30, 2010. The two are the products of the alleged health care reform (deform) agenda of the unpopular, loved and respected by 2% Democrat dominated 111th Congress and the writers of the Obama Administration such as the Apollo Alliance. [2] The absolute quinessential ideological, public-be-damned-we-are-riding-this-camel-over-your-down-trodden-body arrogance. [2] Two well-known horrendous bribes...namely the Cornhusker (Nebraska) Kickback and the Louisianna Purchase (buying Louisianna's vote for $200,000,000) was the tip of the compendium iceberg of bribes, bursting at-the-seams bureaucracy, runaway train of costs, written in secret and unread by those who passed it. It includes a mandate, an un-Constitutional force-play, making people buy health insurance or pay a $2500 fine. The same administration which originally claimed the commerce clause of the Constitution made such a fine possible is now saying that the federal government's 'power to tax' justifies it. Irrelevant. 60% of Americans want this monstrosity repealed, ASAP," and they haven't forgotten it.

The Democrats were counting on getting this bomb passed. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was saying, (paraphrased) "You're going to like it once we read it, and you're only going to be able to read it and find out what's in it after it's passed and once that happens everybody is going to like it and then they're going to forget about it." That prediction hasn't happened nor is it ever to be liked or forgotten. People are very much aware what's happening to the cost of their health care, and they're very much aware how they've been lied to by the president. A woman in Texas saw her deductable rise from $500 to $10,000. She cancelled her policy. She was dumbfounded that she was to be liable for the FIRST $10,000. “That's like I'm self-insuring AND still paying high premiums. So I'm out.” [5] People's premiums were going to decrease $2500 a year according to Obama. Allegedly going to be able to keep your doctor.
Remarks of President Barack Obama – As Prepared for Delivery
American Medical Association
Chicago, Illinois
June 15, 2009
Obama: “So let me begin by saying this: I know that there are millions of Americans who are content with their health care coverage – they like their plan and they value their relationship with their doctor. And that means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what. My view is that health care reform should be guided by a simple principle: fix what’s broken and build on what works.” [6]
If an intelligent person really thinks that government maneuvering, fear tactics, and “tinkering” will have no effect on insurers of healthcare, he is either fooling himself, a bold-faced LIAR, or delusional. This is especially true if one comes from Hawaii which had early
dealings with forced-on-employer-mandated-health care.
Hawaii Prepaid Health Care (PHC) Act (PHCA) was a state law signed into law on January 1, 1975 in the Hawaii to allegedly improve health care coverage by employer mandate (forcing employers). By law and under penalty for breaking this law, businesses are required to offer health insurance to employees who work more than twenty hours per week for four or more consecutive weeks in Hawaii [7] It came to be known by millions watching TV in the mainland, that desperate workers were working two and three jobs to increase earnings because most jobs were part-time due to the health care law. In the TV crime show, the female clerk felt bad because she aided robbers “because she needed money desperately.”
Hawaii lawmakers later approved the health plan in 2007 as a way to ensure every child can get basic medical help. The Keiki (child) Care program was to cover every child from birth to 18 years old who didn't already have insurance but Hawaii cancelled the only state universal child health care program in the USA just seven months after it launched because sanity (reality) set in. [8]

But the main stream media said all of the scary facts dredged from reading the bill were just Republican lies. As a matter of sad fact, they weren't lies. The lies were from Obama, and the Democrats. The oppositional Republicans were telling the truth. [4]

Arizona had to take steps to protect its citizens from violence spilling over the Mexico border.
History repeats itself but when Revolutionary/Bandit, José Doroteo Arango Arámbula better known as Pancho Villa invaded Columbus, Arizona and he and his Villistas murdered several American people in March 9,1916, the US government was on the side of Arizonians and sent a military force under General John (Blackjack) Pershing. [9]
"The lawsuit against the state of Arizona. Here again, it's the know-it-all-arrogance, stupid. In spite of Democrats and the Obama administration badgering Arizonians and Americans in general, about this law is racist, and xenophobic, reasonable Americans recognized four things 1) Even Arizona people have a G_d given right to protect their life and property. 2) When the federal government cannot or will not do it, Arizonians have a states' right to protect themselves. 3) It is a ridiculus idea that US citizens opposing the imaginary 'rights' of illegal aliens are racist. 4) The “Powers That Be” nitwits in Washington, D.C. are holding real actual factual border control hostage to waiting for comprehensive immigration reform. 5) There exists a glaring double-standard when Obama's “Justice Department” is suing Arizona for violating federal immigration laws the government ignores even as the US government overlooks hundreds of so-called 'sanctuary cities' with illegal alien protection directives in direct conflict with federal immigration law.[10]

Which brings us to "The making to look like the bad guy or demonization of the Tea Party movement. When searched, wikipedia says did you mean “colonization of Tea Party”?
Derogatory terms range from teabaggers, racists, angry white men, to fringe elements, bigots, AstroTurfers, etc. etc. Democrats and the media have attempted to label the Tea Party participants with every kind of derision a-la-Alansky, and each and every cheap shot has been an abysmal failure for one glaring reason: decent upstanding Americans know they are OK, and insults and foul-words-and dirty-name labeling by Democrats shuttling the USA on a greased skid to Hell has only made them more determined. In Fact, each vile insult and attempt to marginalize the Tea Party movement has stiffened their resolve and increased their numbers. Polling indicates that they are now more popular than either Republicans who allowed Obama to win or Democrats who won with Obama. Despite all the claims they are extremists, around half of the electorate presently identifies with the Tea Party movement and some 25% see themselves as actual members. [11]

Generally seen by Average Joe American as disingenuous, "A hopelessly compromised media," is another reason the Democrats are failing in election after election. Nobody believes what they say anymore without seeing it on Fox or at the London Telegraph or Brietbart. "Air America went down in flames like a riddled WWI warship balloon, CNN is sputtering on the freeway of life, and ABC, NBC and CBS news programs have been losing viewers at drastic and historically unprecedented speeds. At the same time, Fox and the Wall Street Journal g ... I worow fat on the largess of liberal news regurgitator... talking point repeating...losses. Does it possibly cross the minds of either Democrats or their media lapdogs that millions and millions of Americans may wait with baited breath to spank until red, both the Democrats and the “twisted-little-thoughts” media in November." Americans are acutely aware that the vote trouncing and bouncing Democrats in November of 2010 is also a vote against the Disingenuous Deceptive Snake-In-the-Grass Media. The question that begs an answer is just how much do these soon-to-be-losers realize it? It is painfully obvious to them. Are they denying it the way they deny being liberals by calling it temporary? Perhaps they think the American People will forget all the high-handed jack-booted thuggery felt when the “stimulus” and other unfair Democrat laws tormented us time after time after time. Are we so easily forgetting the total lack of fairness, the unmitigated wanton bias, the lack of even a pretense of bipartisanship, and the destruction suffered by the country we were taught as children to love, honor and cherish second only to G_d?
Yet another unfathomable, untenable plank of the Democrats is the “Victory Over The Great Satan” mosque placement at Ground Zero. This is another festering sore reminiscent of the total virulent contempt progressives and their media enablers have for ordinary Americans who had the 'temerity' to allow their feelings to be known about Ground Zero. Don't we realize how much we hurt the Muslims when we thwarted their other monument to the hijackers in Pennsylvania where Flight 93 went down because heros thwarted the hijackers plans by opposing the inclusion of 4 glass blocks for the terrorists?
Both of Tom Burnett's September 2005 letters condemn the chosen design in the strongest possible terms. “It is unmistakably an Islamic symbol,” charged Mr. Burnett: “The red Crescent of Embrace… bastardizes what my son and others did on Flight 93.”
About my discovery that the planned memorial is actually a terrorist memorial mosque, built around the half mile wide Mecca oriented crescent, Mr. Burnett said that he believes in the validity of my findings and wants a Congressional investigation. Keeping Tom Jr’s name out of the Memorial is partly a moral imperative, and is partly to force attention. “We don’t want it used at all if that design stays in,” says Mr. Burnett. “We’ve got to audit this process, and we’ve got to get to the TRUTH! That’s really what we’re after.” [12]

The complete disconnect between the First Family and ordinary Americans. The golfing, the soirees, and the high-priced vacations have created the perception that we are living through another 'let them eat cake' moment in history. [15]On Tuesday, the president called the public schools in Washington, D.C. a 'struggling system that doesn't measure up to the needs of first daughters, Sasha and Malia.' Those would be the same public schools Congressional Democrats tossed 3300 low-income kids back into when they killed funding for vouchers that had freed those kids from D.C.'s educational ghetto. The First Lady is hectoring Americans to eat healthier. Perhaps more Americans would if they could afford to.

"The war on terror. A politically correct contingency operation against unnamed insurgents with a specific draw-down date?" i.e., Afghanistan. "Democrats once again prove that all the talk about Afghanistan being the 'good war' was complete rubbish. … Czars and nationalization. The Obama administration and Congressional Democrats may bristle when Americans call them socialists, but the nationalization of banks, car and insurance companies, student loans and healthcare sure isn't free-market capitalism. Neither is wiping out oil jobs in Louisiana with a government-mandated ban on offshore drilling." All of these things the public remember. They are living daily.

And, of course, "'Unexceptional' America. Progressive contempt for the values and traditions which make this the greatest country on earth can no longer be disguised." The American people do not want a president who happily presides over a nation in decline, and the Democrats are famous for this, and so is Obama. If they're gonna ask people to sacrifice, there better be a good reason for it. Obama is demanding we sacrifice because we need to be punished. We have destroyed the world. We are in the process of destroying with global warming. We have been colonialists; we have been oppressors; we've been imperialists. We have stolen resources. We have enslaved people. This is Obama and the Democrats' view of this country. This country is always guilty. So it's time to pay the price. They have a grudge against this country, and it's time for us, the people, who are to blame to pay the price for all of the unjust immorality that has been this country. And so we must now sacrifice.

"No longer will the American people lead the world economically. Those days are over," president of the United States, Imam Obama. The American people don't want to live in a country in decline, and they don't think they deserve to be punished. The American people will sacrifice if there's an upside down the road. They'll sacrifice for the good of the country. They're not gonna sacrifice for the good of Democrats. They will not sacrifice for the good of Obama. The American people are fed up with every news story being looked at through the prism of, "How does this affect Obama? How will this affect the Democrats? How will the unemployment numbers affect Obama? These latest numbers on consumer confidence, what does that mean in the election?" The American people don't care what it means for Obama. The American people understand Obama doesn't mean anything good for the country. The American people care what it means for them, and under this regime, there's not much good.

"Unknown to the majority of Americans, this precise mindset was part of the financial 'reform' bill which also requires banks to lend a certain percentage of capital to minority-owned businesses, even if it means lowering their lending standards. Apparently progressives won't be satisfied with their odious social-engineering schemes until every sector of the American economy bears a striking resemblance to the housing sector. So far, Americans support financial reform because it's been framed as 'Main Street versus Wall Street.' It's not. Like every other initiative undertaken by this Congress and this administration, it's the elevation of irresponsible and dishonest Americans over those willing to accept the consequences of their own behavior." It's exactly right, and when Americans understand this they'll be even angrier at the Democrats.

Democrat control for four years in Congress, coupled with two in the White House has been exactly what many doomsters predicted. A socialist-dominated agenda producing an ideologically driven left wing disaster with dire consequences. For many years, progressives concealed their true intentions, because even they knew most Americans couldn't tolerate or put up with them." "The elections of 2006 and 2008 changed everything. Sick, twisted Progressives bought into their own propaganda, believing they had triumphed ideologically with a multi-generational transformation of the American mindset. Consequently, they revealed to Americans their faces of evil presenting uncontrolled arrogance, complete and utter contempt [14] for the average citizen's intellect, and a ham-fisted, never let a crisis go to waste determination to bend the electorate to their will, using government as a weapon. That's why they're going down in November. And the most gratifying aspect of the whole development is that although every attempt has been made to blame anyone and everyone else for their problems, they “sowed the wind and reap the whirlwind."
Progressives have revealed their true colours and exactly who they are. They possess a succinct belief that the American people are too stupid and ignorant to notice all the machinations, nor remember them; this will be their Waterloo. From attentuated observations the evidence continues to mount, from Rush Limbaugh, Arnold Ahlert, and others who have nailed it, and are in fact, understating the hopelessness ahead for the Democrat Party, several operatives of whom are already appearing to be “cracking up from the strain”.
This time the people are too aware and too intelligent to forget.


[13] Libs vexed Arnold Ahlert's 9/29/10 because it hurt their feelings so see it here

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